The article "the woman who die in the waiting room" by Jeneen interlandi explains that here in the u.s are only a few psychiatric hospitals which many of them are careless with poor peole. The article also states that here in one the Brooklyn's psychiatric hospitals a woman died because of the staff uncaring act the woman died in the waiting room.
First of all, i agree with the article that that in the u.s there a bad service towards poor people.for instance, a woman died in Brooklyn' psychiatric hospital due to the staff members negligence who ignore the woman when she was having a stroke. These incidents are common in today's society. For example, I have a aunt who is mentally Ill, so when we take her to the hospital we have to wait for alone period of time to be attended. The members don't worry because when u go there and ask them why is it taking so long to the members to see my aunt and do something, they just say that we need to wait because the doctors are busy with others patients, but the true is that they are in the lunch room or talking in a meeting instead of working. I think that this is very unfair for people with low income since they have to wait until they almost die for doctors to see them.
Furthermore , the article states that there are not enoug beds for patients due to the few psychiatric hospitals in u.s for intense when a patient goes to the hospital he can't take be served because there is not space for them. The author is trying to say that it is not only about the staff members it is also the lack of humless in our nation.
In conclusion the article "the woman who died in the waiting room" talks about the negligence situation in which we live right now in psychiatric hospitals. The government should do something about this otherwise more people will die in these areas.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
blog # 15 Type CATW practice # 3
The article "How to Do One Thing at a Time" adapted from women's health maggazine, states that when we multi-task our brains tend to work less productive, due to we lose concentration by doing more than one thing at a time. Therefore, the article also shows us prove of how we do better when we focus only on doing one thing at a time.
First of all, I agree with idea that when we are chatting, talking on the phone or on the internet while performing a task, it make us work less efficient. it is because we are made to do things in sequense, in order to give one hundred percent on whatever we are doing. For intance, at my job i always multi task. I'm most of the time sending texts to my friends, family and girlfriend. even though my job requare a lot of concentration. I work cheking freights when theyy come out of the aircrafts. So sometimes by multi tasking i miscount the merchandise that i'm giving out. My boss lately told that if i keep doing these same mistake by being on the phone and working at same time, he is gonna fire me. so i personally think that multi tasking is really a negative habit or hobby to prictice.
Another thing that shows that multi tasking is not benefitial in our lives is that when we want to learn some thing like getting ready for a exam we can't be like the article says chatting, palying musicand writing a short essay because to write a goood essay, we need to be focused otherwise what we are writing will not satisfy the public who's reading it For example my girlfriend always tellls me that when she writes an essay and then she hears the phones ringing she feels like she wants to answer it. making her lose concentration and then have to start all over again.
in conclusion, the article "how to Do One Thing at a Time" from women's health magazzine, explains the difference between how doing things in sequence is way better than just doing all at once. i think that everybody sould read this article so they can see that multi tasking can even cause them get hurt or killed speciallly when we are driving.
First of all, I agree with idea that when we are chatting, talking on the phone or on the internet while performing a task, it make us work less efficient. it is because we are made to do things in sequense, in order to give one hundred percent on whatever we are doing. For intance, at my job i always multi task. I'm most of the time sending texts to my friends, family and girlfriend. even though my job requare a lot of concentration. I work cheking freights when theyy come out of the aircrafts. So sometimes by multi tasking i miscount the merchandise that i'm giving out. My boss lately told that if i keep doing these same mistake by being on the phone and working at same time, he is gonna fire me. so i personally think that multi tasking is really a negative habit or hobby to prictice.
Another thing that shows that multi tasking is not benefitial in our lives is that when we want to learn some thing like getting ready for a exam we can't be like the article says chatting, palying musicand writing a short essay because to write a goood essay, we need to be focused otherwise what we are writing will not satisfy the public who's reading it For example my girlfriend always tellls me that when she writes an essay and then she hears the phones ringing she feels like she wants to answer it. making her lose concentration and then have to start all over again.
in conclusion, the article "how to Do One Thing at a Time" from women's health magazzine, explains the difference between how doing things in sequence is way better than just doing all at once. i think that everybody sould read this article so they can see that multi tasking can even cause them get hurt or killed speciallly when we are driving.
The article Red pill and Blue pill: Is Ignorance Bliss? adapted from The Matrix, liberal education, and other splinters in the mind by Christine Cornell and Patrick Malcolmson. this article explains about how some people prefer living in their own world and wanting to know the truth about other humans. some humans choose to come out of their world and face the real world like Neo from The Matrix, he choose to drink the red pill and was brave enough to face the real world even though he wasn’t ready. Most of the people chose to stay in their own illusion and don’t want to see what is the reality about. Once people find out the real world they feel good knowing that the real worl is different from their illusion.
Blog#6 "I Know The Truth, So Don't Bother Me With Facts"
According to the article "I Know The Truth, So Don't Bother Me With Facts," people get easily influenced by rumors even when we know the facts that they might be wrong instead we still stick to our own beliefs because when it comes to beliefs human beings only believe what they want to. The article gives an example of the Abdul Rauf was criticized because there were some rumors that he was a terrorist, but once he was seen in pictures dressed as an American, people then rejected the rumors of him being a terrorist. In fact, shows how people believe in something they wasn't one hundred percent sure because it makes them more happy and comfortable.
first of all, the article refers to a study by "Garrett showing that when subjects are presented with data that contradicts their beliefs, they often — paradoxically — respond by cleaving to their biases even more tightly." it means that believing in yourself is being sure that you are going to do whatever you put your mind to, even if others are against you. Usually, when you decide to take a big challenge or do something that they failed to do, you will find that everyone is putting you down.
blog 5
The passege the Allegory of the Cave talks about prisoners that were living in a cave since their childhood, having their legs and necks chained as if they were slaves excluded from their rights so that they couldn't either move or, see what was behind them. Furthermore, they were prevented by the chains from turning round their heads, which means that they were living in a world of illusions where they didn't know about the real world outside the darkness that waited for them outside. In fact, as the story went by, it explained that one the prisoners got out from the cave and discovered that the world he used to live in under the ground was only an illution of what he thought the real world looked like.So when the man saw the light outside of the cave, he couldn't see anything for awhile because the man was living in the dark almost for his entire life. After the man was capable to open his eyes, he couldn't believe in what he was seeing because he never imagined that the life he was living in the cave was just a lie. he didn't want to want to go back to the cave after all.
blog 3
In "I Know The Truth, So Don't Bother Me With Facts" article, Jeffrey Kluger that even when people know the fact, they still stick to their believes because the feel scared of knowing that they might be wrong. it also says that people believe whatever they hear instead of believe in the real facts. therefore, they ended up doing a lot of mistakein life.
Blog# 14
I think that post 1 is the best CAT-W practice essay because it explains better what's the importance of "reality TV Shows" as a whole. He first give us an explation of how "Reality TV Shows" attract our attention in today's world. Then, he begins with the introduction follow by the first and second paragraphs in which he shows prove of how people are better accepted in television because of their looking not by their skills they have. then post 3 and 2 follows
Blog #12
The movie Gone Baby Gone explains us about the different between consequentialism and ethical absolutism as the movie takes place. Patrick and Angie investigators who had to find a girl who was missing named "Amanda" then they had to dicide what's the right decision to make. If leaving the little girl with strengers or taking her back to her mother.
first of all, i dont agree with the idea of patrick taking back the little girl to his mother. it was a bad decision from him because her mother was a very negligent mother who didn't take care of her daugther. for instance, when the mother wanted to go out with her friends she left Amanda the little girl alone in the house with nobody to look after her. so i think that a mother who loves her daugther wouldn't do that. when i was a little kid my mother used to take me with her anywhere she went to. she always used to say that she would never leave a son alone because you never know what can happen to then even if you leave them with a family member. so i believe that Patrick was very ethical and decided the wrong future for the little girl.
another thing is that i think that the movie take place for one side since the beginning of the movie.
for example, the little girl grandfather gave her in adoption to the police captain jack doyle because he knew what his mother was.
in conclusion, the movie Gone baby Gone discussed about consequentialism and ethical absolutism, also it explains how the future of a little girl is ruined due to the bad decision that the detetive patrick took by getting the girl back to her mother. i think that this movie shows a good example to the public that we need to be more responsible regarding our children.
first of all, i dont agree with the idea of patrick taking back the little girl to his mother. it was a bad decision from him because her mother was a very negligent mother who didn't take care of her daugther. for instance, when the mother wanted to go out with her friends she left Amanda the little girl alone in the house with nobody to look after her. so i think that a mother who loves her daugther wouldn't do that. when i was a little kid my mother used to take me with her anywhere she went to. she always used to say that she would never leave a son alone because you never know what can happen to then even if you leave them with a family member. so i believe that Patrick was very ethical and decided the wrong future for the little girl.
another thing is that i think that the movie take place for one side since the beginning of the movie.
for example, the little girl grandfather gave her in adoption to the police captain jack doyle because he knew what his mother was.
in conclusion, the movie Gone baby Gone discussed about consequentialism and ethical absolutism, also it explains how the future of a little girl is ruined due to the bad decision that the detetive patrick took by getting the girl back to her mother. i think that this movie shows a good example to the public that we need to be more responsible regarding our children.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
blog #10
I think that John Bubber (Andy Garcia). is the hero in the movie even though he was a liar because he helped a lot of people who were in need. at the beginning he took Benie place's by saying that he was the hero but then he started to change into a good person saving others.For instance, when he went to visit a kid in the hospital who was dying, he asked the press to go out of the room and let him talk to the boy in private. he talked to the boy in a positive way that made the boy get up fron his coma.So this is one the things which makes him a hero. Also when he saw the homeless people, he realizes that he was a homeless too and tell the people who follow him to provide food to the homeless people from where he used to live at.
On the contrary Bernie LaPlante (Dustin Hoffman) was a irresponsable man who didn't even care about his son and was also a greedy person. He later on in life realized that he needed his son when he was going to go to jail. in fact he was very bad father who didnt even know what age his son was. I believe for sure that he was an anti-hero even though he saved those people from the plane.
On the contrary Bernie LaPlante (Dustin Hoffman) was a irresponsable man who didn't even care about his son and was also a greedy person. He later on in life realized that he needed his son when he was going to go to jail. in fact he was very bad father who didnt even know what age his son was. I believe for sure that he was an anti-hero even though he saved those people from the plane.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
blog 9: CATW
The article "An Education in Citizenship" states that in Illinois state a law was recently approved which will allow students who are in U.S illegally to pay in-state tuition rates at Illinois colleges and universities. The article also says that there is a big difference in in what the students outside the state pay in order to get an education, which is $5302 in state rather than $13906 out of the state. In fact, the author of the article claims it shouldn't be that way because it's unfair that in the other 49 states of our nation students don't have that privige.
first of all, the author of the article explains that "this nation sorely needs to reform its complex, but until that day comes it cannot blithely ignore those laws." It means that there many irregulations not only in Illinois state, but in the hole state nation that should be fixed. For example, here in New York, many students can't go to college after they're done with their high schools because of illegal status. i have a friend from Mexico which is having hard times trying to get into college because he is illegal. like the author says, lawmakers cannot be taking decisions just like that because it seems to be fair that one state has tuition at low rates, while others don't. Therefore, this law should be eliminated or try to make it nationwide so student have better opportunities to get a satisfactory education.
on the other hand, the author is saying that "why should citizens be charged from other states more tuition than we charge non-citizen immigrants? what the author is trying to show is that Americans should have the same or lower tuition rate to pay for college. Since they are born here than foreign people in the U.S. In other words, the author is saying that the laws are excluding citizens from getting a higher education. for instance, lately, I heard on the news, that many parents cannot afford to pay for their children, which has become a concern in our society. If our children don't go to schools what will our and their future look like?
In conclusion, the article "an education in Citizenship" shows how a new law is violating citizens rights by allowing illegal people in Illinois to pay tuition rates at low prices while the whole nation citizens and non-citizens are struggling to pay for their education. As a result, the government should make a fair decision in which students from every nation should be able to get an education even if they are illegal.
first of all, the author of the article explains that "this nation sorely needs to reform its complex, but until that day comes it cannot blithely ignore those laws." It means that there many irregulations not only in Illinois state, but in the hole state nation that should be fixed. For example, here in New York, many students can't go to college after they're done with their high schools because of illegal status. i have a friend from Mexico which is having hard times trying to get into college because he is illegal. like the author says, lawmakers cannot be taking decisions just like that because it seems to be fair that one state has tuition at low rates, while others don't. Therefore, this law should be eliminated or try to make it nationwide so student have better opportunities to get a satisfactory education.
on the other hand, the author is saying that "why should citizens be charged from other states more tuition than we charge non-citizen immigrants? what the author is trying to show is that Americans should have the same or lower tuition rate to pay for college. Since they are born here than foreign people in the U.S. In other words, the author is saying that the laws are excluding citizens from getting a higher education. for instance, lately, I heard on the news, that many parents cannot afford to pay for their children, which has become a concern in our society. If our children don't go to schools what will our and their future look like?
In conclusion, the article "an education in Citizenship" shows how a new law is violating citizens rights by allowing illegal people in Illinois to pay tuition rates at low prices while the whole nation citizens and non-citizens are struggling to pay for their education. As a result, the government should make a fair decision in which students from every nation should be able to get an education even if they are illegal.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Blog 7: The Heroic Choices in The Matrix
I think that some of the important decisions that Neo had to make throughout the movie started when he decided to follow the rabbit. He did cause' he was curious to find out where it leads to since he was bored of being in his appartment hacking so he wanted to know what the person on the other side of the pc was trying to tell him by following the rabbit. Another important decision that made him curious was when Morpheus offered him the pills, so he had to decide whether to leave or stay in the matrix in order to find out the truth about him. In fact, most the important ones are when he decide to save morpheus sacrifying his life which made him become a real hero. Also, when he saved Trinity from dying when the helicopter was gonna colapse to the ground that Morpheus said he is tarting to believe in himself. At last, when he died and had to come back from death that without any doubts made him the hero cause' everybody realized that he was the one who was going to save the world.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Blog 4: "The Allegory of the Cave"
In passage The Allegory of the Cave talks about prisoners that were living in a cave from their childhood, having their legs and necks chained as if they were slaves excluded from their rights so that they couldn't either move or, see what was before them. Furthermore, they were prevented by the chains from turning round their heads, which means that they were living in a world of illusions where they didn't know about the real world outside the darkness that waited for them. In fact, as the story went by, it explained that one the prisoners escaped from the cave and discovered that the world he used to live in under the ground was only an illution of what he thought the real world looked like.So when the man saw the light outside of the cave, he couldn't see anything for awhile because the man was living in the dark almost for his entire life. After the man was capable to open his eyes, he couldn't believe in what he was seeing because he never imagined that the life he was living in the cave was just a lie.
Monday, March 14, 2011
blog:2 hype
According to the article "Hype" by Kelle Lasn discusses that ads are everywhere or on everything we watch on TV, listen to the radio, or see on walls and post while walking on the streets are filled with a logo or product massage. the article also said that are just to affect us pursuing our feeling or more simple change the ways we think toward ourselves. in other words, ads are to distract our attention and make us spend money and time.
The article states that "advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants." It means that advertisements and logos are everywhere to catch our attention on TV commercials, the internet, shop windows, and much more. Making people's minds desire their products. For instance, when we see anything cheap, we want to buy it affecting our pockets. Another example is that in the ad for Gatorade an athlete is drinking a bottle of Gatorade and it makes him or her become more powerful showing you that if you try it, you are going to become as powerful and full of energy as the athlete is. As a result, this is similar to the article because it shows how ads take over our minds and make us feel like weak if we don't buy it. So believe it or not, advertisements change our attitudes toward ourselves and affect us in some ways our thinking manners, which is bad because we spend money and time.
Moreover, the article also points out that "your kids watch Pepsi and Sneakers ads in the classroom. The author is trying to say that ads makers don't care about anybody's health because they keep making more and more ads that even in schools our children are exposed to see ads when they should be focus and learning instead. This makes our children become fond of unhealthy food like Pepsi and Sneakers, which are easy to consume and contains a high percent of calories and oil that damage our hearts. For instance, I watched in the morning news like two months ago that one of the reason why we are seeing our kids getting overweight at very young ages is the bad food they eat when go to Macdonald's after school due to all the ads they see in the classrooms, hall ways and even at the school's GYM when they are working out. According to the article, ads are everywhere even in schools damaging our kids health which is similar to my example. In fact, I understand that we need ads but in these days they are too much out of control overwhelming our lives styles.
In conclusion, the article "Hype" explains that ads in north America are very annoying and mentally stressful because they are everywhere you put your eyes. As a result, I suggest the government to pay more attention to this problem banning many of them which have become worldwide. Affecting our society, cultures and the way we live nowadays. I hope that people by reading this article be more aware and help fix this situation.
The article states that "advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants." It means that advertisements and logos are everywhere to catch our attention on TV commercials, the internet, shop windows, and much more. Making people's minds desire their products. For instance, when we see anything cheap, we want to buy it affecting our pockets. Another example is that in the ad for Gatorade an athlete is drinking a bottle of Gatorade and it makes him or her become more powerful showing you that if you try it, you are going to become as powerful and full of energy as the athlete is. As a result, this is similar to the article because it shows how ads take over our minds and make us feel like weak if we don't buy it. So believe it or not, advertisements change our attitudes toward ourselves and affect us in some ways our thinking manners, which is bad because we spend money and time.
Moreover, the article also points out that "your kids watch Pepsi and Sneakers ads in the classroom. The author is trying to say that ads makers don't care about anybody's health because they keep making more and more ads that even in schools our children are exposed to see ads when they should be focus and learning instead. This makes our children become fond of unhealthy food like Pepsi and Sneakers, which are easy to consume and contains a high percent of calories and oil that damage our hearts. For instance, I watched in the morning news like two months ago that one of the reason why we are seeing our kids getting overweight at very young ages is the bad food they eat when go to Macdonald's after school due to all the ads they see in the classrooms, hall ways and even at the school's GYM when they are working out. According to the article, ads are everywhere even in schools damaging our kids health which is similar to my example. In fact, I understand that we need ads but in these days they are too much out of control overwhelming our lives styles.
In conclusion, the article "Hype" explains that ads in north America are very annoying and mentally stressful because they are everywhere you put your eyes. As a result, I suggest the government to pay more attention to this problem banning many of them which have become worldwide. Affecting our society, cultures and the way we live nowadays. I hope that people by reading this article be more aware and help fix this situation.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
blog 1: "How to do one thing at time"
The article "How to do One Thing at a Time" states that multitasking is a bad habit because when we do it, we tend todo things wrong or less productive than when we do one thing at a time in other words, the article explains that when we multitask , it limits our ability to think faster and effiently.
first of all, the article refers to " a experiment where a group of student where asked to spend 30 minutes simultaneously compiling a music playlist, chatting and writing a short essay. The group who focus on each test individually for 10 minutes did better than their multitasking peers." It demostrate that when people focus on one thing at a time when do much more better because when our brain is performing in sequence we worse than we expected. For instance, when i'm at my job, i use to check paper work for trucks to pick up merchandise. So every time i do two or three papers at the same time i wind up making a mistake either the merchandise was wrong or i misscaount the product. There for doing many things at the same time isn't helpful like i said before because our brains don't work properly as it should.
first of all, the article refers to " a experiment where a group of student where asked to spend 30 minutes simultaneously compiling a music playlist, chatting and writing a short essay. The group who focus on each test individually for 10 minutes did better than their multitasking peers." It demostrate that when people focus on one thing at a time when do much more better because when our brain is performing in sequence we worse than we expected. For instance, when i'm at my job, i use to check paper work for trucks to pick up merchandise. So every time i do two or three papers at the same time i wind up making a mistake either the merchandise was wrong or i misscaount the product. There for doing many things at the same time isn't helpful like i said before because our brains don't work properly as it should.
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